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Accomplishments & Financials

DLG4 SHINE Foundation is committed to our mission and has made great strides in building support and awareness for our community. The items below are just a portion of our accomplishments in the first years of establishment.

Supporting collaborative research among international medical professionals:

  • Created an International Medical Advisory Board with members from the United States, Canada, and Denmark

  • Incorporated on December 29, 2021, in Ohio

  • Submitted our official application for 501c3 status on February 21, 2022, as a patient organization to be a partner in applications for grants and work with researchers to find out more about DLG4

  • Created one- and three-year foundation goals, along with a goal operating budget

  • Opened an ongoing Bonfire SHINE store with apparel and merchandise as our first fundraiser. Raised over $2,000 in late 2021/early 2022

  • Partnered with Simons Searchlight and OMIM to update correct medical information for DLG4-related disorders

  • Interviewed and researched four different patient registries and decided to use both Simons Searchlight and CoRDS

Nuturing a family community:

  • Continued to grow our private family DLG4 SHINE Facebook page

  • Created public pages for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for extended family members, friends, medical professionals, and those in the rare disease world to follow

  • Wrote our first quarterly newsletter to distribute electronically in Spring 2022

  • Collected photos of many patients with a DLG4 SHINE diagnosis to use in social media, advertising, awareness campaign

Raising worldwide awareness:

  • Started using and requesting families to use the #SHINESyndrome and #DLG4 hashtags on social media

  • DLG4 SHINE merchandise and apparel

  • Decided on July 17 as DLG4 SHINE Awareness Day and plans for a month-long fundraising campaign in July

  • Created public pages for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for extended family members, friends, medical professionals, and those in the rare disease world to follow

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